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来源: 免费文学站 时间:2024-04-30
1、青春,是一杯茶,常品不腻。 Youth is a cup of tea, which is not greasy. 2、青春,我们曾拥有过你。 Youth, we had you. 3、青春我在岗,奋斗正当时。 Youth I am on duty, struggle at the right time. 4、青春从未走远,一路同行,不负芳华。 Youth has never gone far. We walk together and live up to our youth. 5、好运连连,青春活力财运转。 Good luck, youth, vitality and wealth. 6、青春如梦,精彩的情节记在心中。 Youth is like a dream, with wonderful plots in mind. 7、青涩岁月,我们一起走过。 Green years, we walked together. 8、青春像火与水相遇时,爆发出各自的力量。 Youth is like fire and water. When they meet, they burst out their own strength. 9、一年四季,年年长有,水流不尽,江河奔兮日月皎! It grows year after year throughout the year. The water flows endlessly. The rivers run fast and the sun and moon are bright! 10、寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。 Send you not unintentionally, don't lose your youth and be ashamed of yourself. 11、青春是一个充满魁力,充满诱惑的时代。 Youth is an age full of charisma and temptation. 12、珍惜青春岁月,用不懈奋斗谱写人生华章。 Cherish the youth and write the chapter of life with unremitting struggle. 13、青春兵荒马乱,我们潦草离散。 Youth is in chaos, and we are scattered. 14、让我们挥洒劳动的汗水,谱写青春的诗歌! Let's sprinkle the sweat of labor and compose the poetry of youth! 15、青春留不住,白发自然生。 Youth cannot stay, white hair grows naturally. 16、如果你的心灵很年青,你常常会保持许多梦想。 If your heart is young, you will often keep many dreams. 17、青春是人生之花,是生命的天然表示。 Youth is the flower of life and the natural expression of life. 18、炎热的夏天已经过去,一场又一场的秋雨不曾停息。 The hot summer has passed, and one autumn rain after another has not stopped. 19、我们的青春挥洒在校园,想找回青春也想回到校园。 Our youth is scattered on the campus. We want to find our youth and return to the campus. 20、青春是梦,扬起理想的帆。 Youth is a dream, raise the ideal sail. 21、柠檬与少年,亦如清新的夏季。 Lemon and youth are like fresh summer. 22、要想重返青春,只需重复地做蠢事。 To return to youth, just do stupid things again and again. 23、青春好像万绿树林中的一小片树叶,领先。 Youth is like a small leaf in the green forest, unique. 24、天地不过是飘摇的逆旅,昼夜不过是光阴的门户。 Heaven and earth are just a wandering journey, and day and night are just the gateway of time. 25、青春像火,如茶似水,流年如水,一冲既淡。 Youth is like fire, like tea, like water, and fleeting years are like water. 26、坚定理想信念,勇担青春使命。 Firm ideals and beliefs and bravely shoulder the mission of youth. 27、青春里所谓的留白,就是没有未来。 The so-called blank space in youth is that there is no future. 28、那年,未来遥远得没有形状,我们单纯得没有烦恼。 That year, the future was so far away that there was no shape, and we were so simple that we had no trouble. 29、那个可以任意挥霍的年纪,人们叫它‘青春’。 The age at which one can squander freely is called "Youth". 30、若时光不老,若青春不散。 If time is not old, if youth is not gone. 31、与其说怀念青春,不如说怀念青春记忆里面的你。 It is better to miss you in the memory of youth than to miss youth. 32、保有一颗年轻的心,你就能永葆青春。 Keep a young heart and you will always be young. 33、愿你高唱青春之歌,续写人生新的精彩! May you sing the song of youth and continue to write a new wonderful life! 34、莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切。 Don't easily white the young man's head, empty and sad. 35、青春是一年的青春,青春是生命的的春天。 Youth is the youth of a year, youth is the spring of life. 36、青春也是一场远行,到后来我们是回不去了。 Youth is also a long journey. Later, we can't go back. 37、花朵凋谢,明年还会再开;青春逝往*不会再来。 The flowers wither and will bloom again next year; Youth is gone and will never come again. 38、在青春的舞台上,我们书写着惆怅。 On the stage of youth, we write melancholy. 39、停留是刹那,转身是天涯。 Stay is a moment, turn around is the end of the world. 40、少年休笑白头翁,花开能有几时红。 Don't laugh at the young Pulsatilla. How red can the flowers bloom. 41、没有同青春的丧失同样重大的丧失。 There is no loss as great as the loss of youth. 42、青春不散场,未来犹可期。 Youth does not end, the future can still be expected. 43、花有重开日,人无再少年。 Flowers bloom again, no one is young again. 44、青春就像蒲公英,看似自由却身不由己。 Youth is like a dandelion, seemingly free but involuntarily. 45、青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境。 Youth is not a time, but a state of mind. 46、一晃而过,青春,梦想;一晃而过,我们的故事。 In a flash, youth, dream; In a flash, our story. 47、青春活力,活力青春,青春生机,青春真好! Youth, vitality, youth, youth, youth is good! 48、一路前行,青春不散场。 Along the way, youth does not end. 49、少年的热血和青春的诗,刚刚才开始。 Youth's blood and youth's poetry have just begun. 50、青春不散场,我们不分离。 Youth does not end, we do not separate. 51、回忆那些年的青春,芳华中可曾有过遗憾。 Recalling those years of youth, did fanghuazhong have regrets. 52、青春,让有些人索然无味。 Youth makes some people dull. 53、大雪可以封盖山岭,年龄能够压倒青春。 Snow can cover mountains, and age can overwhelm youth. 54、青春,是魏紫姚黄,丽句清辞难形容其美丽。 Youth is Wei ziyao Huang. It is difficult to describe its beauty. 55、任岁月蹉跎,青春不散场。 Let the years waste, youth does not end. 56、不负青春,不负自己,发自己的光就好。 Live up to youth, live up to yourself, just make your own light. 57、春来了,愿时光不负努力,让青春不负自己! Spring is coming. May time live up to its efforts and let youth live up to itself! 58、青春好像展开了的花朵,芳香四溢。 Youth is like an unfolding flower, full of fragrance. 59、青春是一座知识的宝塔,洒下千千万万青年的汗水。 Youth is a pagoda of knowledge, shedding the sweat of thousands of young people. 60、坚守平凡岗位,奋斗诠释青春。 Stick to ordinary posts and strive to interpret youth. 61、青春不散场,回忆不留白。 Youth does not end, memories do not leave blank. 62、青春是甜甜的咖啡,让甜蜜遍身畅游。 Youth is sweet coffee, let the sweetness swim all over the body. 63、凝聚青春力量,为梦踏实前行。 Gather the strength of youth and move forward steadily for the dream. 64、这年代,青春是宝藏,挥霍青春就是犯罪。 In this age, youth is a treasure, and wasting youth is a crime. 65、只做*一个我,不做第二个谁。 Just be the first me, not the second one. 66、岁月不老,青春不朽,青山永住,细水长流。 Years are not old, youth is immortal, green mountains live forever, water flows forever. 67、用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 Use my three fireworks for your life. 68、青春像生命,让我们欣欣向荣。 Youth is like life, let us flourish. 69、来日方迟,来日方迟。青春没有来日,只有当下! Tomorrow is late, tomorrow is late. Youth has no future, only the present! 70、若非青春苦短,谁会想来日方长。 If youth were not bitter and short, who would want to have a long future. 71、奋力拼一把,不负青春,不负未来。 Work hard to live up to youth and the future. 72、希望会使你年轻,因为希望和青春是同胞兄弟。 Hope will make you young, because hope and youth are brothers. 73、青春的岁月,要填满快乐,让笑容绽放很美丽。 The years of youth should be filled with happiness and make the smile bloom the most beautiful. 74、毕业季,不是分手季;毕业季,青春不散场。 Graduation season, not breakup season; Graduation season, youth does not end. 75、青春是明知道错了,偏要任性到底! Youth knows it's wrong and wants to be willful to the end! 76、人小心不小,有志比天高。 People are not small, ambition is higher than heaven. 77、你是年少的欢喜,喜欢的少年是你。 You are the joy of youth, and the youth you like is you. 78、这里有阳光和雨露,有默默耕耘的身影。 There are sunshine, rain and dew, and the figure of silent cultivation. 79、青春,就是一场渐行渐远的迷茫,和成长。 Youth is a wandering confusion and growth. 80、青春从未远去,青春不散场。 Youth is never far away, youth does not end. 81、是否我的出现,只是填充了你空虚,寂寞的画面? Is my appearance just filling your empty and lonely picture?





